
Based out of Trinity’s Adapt Centre, SightCAT was born from research into computer aided translation (CAT) technology and the need for a wider adoption of it among the translation community. “Sight translation”, whereby the translator is not required to manually transcribe their work, has been proven to not only be more efficient in terms of words translated per hour but also has a number of physical health benefits including a lessened risk of repetitive strain injury.

Communicating these benefits to a core audience of professional translators required distilling the benefits and scientific evidence behind the research into a concise and engaging proposition. Language designed and produced a short animated video and microsite which would not only explain the value of SightCAT but also engage translators to complete a survey detailing their interest and demand for the service.

A simple yet playful visual language was developed to tell the story of Elsa, a professional translator, whose woes are solved by using a computer aided sight translation service. This was then housed on the microsite which would drive participants toward the survey.

Senior Designer at Language



A More Social Media


SOLAS Annual Report